
wiw: flower power

With my dissertation deadline looming on me, I find myself lacking the time to sit down at the computer and actually write a decent blog post. So here is my apology for the silence, I promise I will start blogging regularly once all this is out of the way :)

Here is an outfit I wore the other day, when the sun graced us with it's presence once again. Right now, it's raining. Ahh...London.

I absolutely adore my Frida Kahlo earrings. My dad bought them from a tiny shop somewhere Poland where they sold hand-made jewellery. He's got surprisingly good taste for a [Polish] man.

It was my birthday on the 1st. Happy birthday to meeeeee! I am now in need of a zimmerframe...


  1. I agree on the earrings. Unique but awesome. I can't wear things like that, mostly because dangly earrings make me feel like they'll get caught on something and will rip right through my earlobe.

    Yes I have a paranoid imagination. The outfit is awesome, as usual! :-)

  2. Haha, I'm actually not a fan of dangly earrings myself as they irritate the poop out of me. These aren't too bad though, and they're made of a really light wood which makes them barely noticeable. :) and thank you again! I always love reading your comments! xx


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