Hope everyone is having a lovely February, despite the lack of spring or daffodils *cries*. Here are a few bits and pieces from my Instagram; the end of January and beginning of February was taken up by my internship, which took over most of my photography, so here we are:
- I shouldn't really get excited about free stuff, but HELLO FREE STUFF. There was a whole cupboard of samples and review material that the girls didn't want/weren't using anymore, so I was given most of it. Win.
- Yes, that's a giant heart-shaped Millie's cookie. Yes, it was gone within half an hour. So...good.
- There was one spare ticket for the National Television Awards floating around the office so I nabbed it, travelled to the O2 arena, got mega lost in the process and enjoyed an evening feeling like a VIP *flicks hair*. Also, Nicole Scherzinger is a perfect specimen in real life. Just so you know.
- It's a cake on a stick. Shaped like Mike Wasowski. What else do you need in life? (Though I did feel bad biting into his eyeball, he was yummy.)
- My editor was lovely enough to put her trust in me and allow me to have my first face-to-face interview. As you can probably guess, I was shitting bricks; all I knew is that it was Lydia Bright from TOWIE, and she was presenting her new fashion collection to the press. Thankfully, the clothes were gorgeous and Lydia was a complete sweety - she made me feel at ease and told me that I was professional and it didn't seem like my first interview. Probably a lie, but a nice one nonetheless.
- Once my internship had finished, I drowned my sorrows in shopping. I know, bad Caz, but I did manage to buy something I actually needed: new specs (they're from the men's section. DON'T TELL ANYONE THANKS). Although the glasses are gorg, I discovered that I am now blinder than I was a year ago...thank you laptop. I also attempted to ombre my hair but the hair colour I bought was cheap and a big fat fail. I've purchased a new one now so I will be dyeing it in the near future - be prepared for a whole bunch of selfies on my Instagram. Soz.
- Yeah yeah yeah I hate Valentine's Day, it sucks. I really didn't want to make a big fuss this year but for some reason my lovely felt the need to buy me a MICHAEL KORS WATCH. Just to be clear, I've wanted this watch for ages and everytime I'd walk into Earnest Jones I'd cry silently and stroke the glass wishing it was mine. I literally died when I opened the box (clearly because the best part of the present were the M&S heart-shaped chocolates. Yummehh).
I also got a pair of new shoesies - everyone hates them apart from me. I think I look like David Bowie *humph*. I never spend more than £20 on shoes because a) I'm almost always broke, and b) I just don't. Surprisingly these are from Topshop, used to cost 80 quid, and are real leather. If that's not a bargain then I don't know what is.
I don't think they're available online anymore but when I bought them from Westfield there were a few pairs left. Check them out if you like them!
Dziekuje bardzo! :)