Being the Pole that I am (and by that I don’t mean you have consent
to dance and rub yourself against me, although it is a frequent occurrence among my friends) I get ridiculously excited when a Polish person does
anything remotely news or note-worthy - a guy saving a cat from a tree would have me
running around the living room shouting “Look! The dude’s Polish! Legend!" When
I discovered the work of super talented designer Joanna Przetakiewicz, the
brain-child behind label La Mania, I knew that my roots hadn't completely let
me down (and I finally found someone with a surname as long as mine, wahey!).
Fashion Gone Economical
As a student, I was incessantly bankrupt and living off
Tesco value packet soups, which made it pretty difficult to find awesome
outfits for a decent price. As a now ‘working woman’, I find my situation
rather indifferent; with the credit crunch literally chomping its way through
our pockets, the desire of grasping on to a pair of chewed up pumps, claiming
they’re ‘meant to have holes’ is rising
(trust me, I've done it). And so the question arises; what does one do when one
is quite literally beggared? Here are a few tips on looking great this winter
without busting your bank accounts...
December Treats
“A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship.”
- Couldn't agree more, Mr Zusak.
Oxblood and Stone
A prominent hue that I've scouted around this season is oxblood, which is ideal in my eyes considering it's one of my favourite colours in the world. Although I am not a particular trend follower, I am proud to say that I have purchased £40 worth of oxblood clothing in the past week, including these super warm leggings (£4!) courtesy of good ol' Primark. In other news, hello £10 baroque skirt.
Changing Rooms - The Gender Issue

Ah, changing rooms - you pick out a few items in your size, bop over to the never-ending queue, faff and fuss for about an hour or so until you finally decide that you prefer the other dress anyway (plus, the lighting in those places sucks right?) Although for many women this is considered the standard shopping experience, not everyone shares this view; in fact, many steer clear of changing rooms all together. Why? Because they are part of the many women in our world who's attire, stance or hairstyle is not what society would consider ‘feminine’.
If you guys read my blog post about high heels earlier last month, you'd know that I have big trouble finding decent shoes to go out in that don't a) cripple my feet, and b) make me look like the BFG.
Well, it just so happens that during my disgraceful pay-day shopping spree, I finally found a pair of booties that have completed my life.
Spaced Out
As you've probably noticed, there's been a considerable amount of space-themed items creeping around the shops lately - I'm not complaining, I always thought my love for high school Physics lessons would come in handy one day (plus, the Uranus jokes never get old). As much as I am loving the clothes, the jewellery sector has been lacking a bit, which is why I am grateful to the Tumblr Gods for sending these angels my way.
I never thought NASA could have such finesse.
Just Plain Ugg-ly?
As the last remaining autumn leaves are settling on pavements, scarves are being wrapped tighter, noses are becoming runnier, and wearing three pairs of socks to work is finally sounding like a good idea. As much as I’d love to call this time of year ‘winter’, being a permanent resident of London can make it rather difficult to identify the transitions between the seasons (think snow in April, 27 degree heat in October). Either way, temperatures are dropping all around the world, which can only mean one particular item of clothing that seems to exist in everybody’s wardrobe is slowly making its way back on the streets...the dreaded Ugg boot.
Fruity Couture
So a couple of weeks back, I was doing standard Friday night Facebook stalking (yes, I am aware that this inclines I have no life), and my eye was drawn to a little advert in the right hand corner for Birdcage Creative. A massive fan of all things sparkly, my inner magpie started flashing, soI clicked the neat little square and am proud to say that I haven't looked back since (I also didn't get any viruses in the process, woop).
These Boots Are Made For...Ouch
Like many 20-something city girls, I love a good night on the town. By that, I don’t mean getting ridiculously rat-arsed and trawl the streets of London with a kebab in one hand and destroyed heels in the other (although let’s face it, we’ve all been there). Nowadays when I go out, all I need is some music, a bit of floor, and I’m loving life. However, one thing has continuously bugged me since I (legally) began setting foot in clubs and bars – bloody high heels.
Hallow's Eve etc...
Yes I know I know...Halloween was like, totally 2 days ago. But I've been working my butt off since getting my new job so I haven't have any time to blog *tear*.
So the other day I popped in to my local Superdrug to buy some 'essentials' (aka 'pointless things that I will probably never use but buy because they have attractive packaging'), and I came across the new 'Halloween Special' Barry M Nail Effects nail polish. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of citrus shades in the winter, but this polish promised to create a 'web' effect, which automatically made my little brain go 'OOH! PRETTY!!'
To prepare my nails, I used Barry M All in One Basecoat and Topcoat which made sure the nail polish would stay on. Then, I chose Barry M Foil Effects in Gold (only one coat needed because Barry M is that awesome), and finally the orange Nail Effects.
At first, I thought it was a bloody scam - the nails didn't change at all! But after about 2 or 3 minutes I started to see a slight change...and the crackle finally came through. It wasn't a web effect as promised (so naturally my Halloween look was simply ruined) but it did turn out pretty cool:
Not bad eh? It stayed on so well I couldn't get the damn thing off! Nice one Barry.
So about a week ago I went to see my friend in Camden Town, and to my utter horror, lo behold - an American Apparel, right opposite the station. Next to it, a H&M (or something equally mainstream). Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against a bit of H&M (it's one of my favorite high street stores to be frank) but for the love of god, Camden used to be the one place in the whole of London where I could go and feel like I don't have to dress like a million dollars.
I walked down the road searching for the punks and goths that used to fill the high street, the multi-coloured hair, the tattoos. In their places, tourists, tourists, everywhere. The studded belts that used to hang down from the stalls have been replaced with Dr Dre headphones and New Era caps, and the music store on the corner near the canal is now selling clothes and shoes. Of course, the market still exists, with it's hard-headed merchants advertising overpriced t-shirts that you can get for 5 quid less down the road, and the chinese food that'll have you squirming on your toilet for 2 days straight. However most, if not all of the band jumpers and t-shirt stalls are gone, with extensive amounts of London memorabilia in their place. Drunken teenagers that used to hang out by the lock are no more (good times), instead large glass apartment buildings now line the canal, making Camden look more like Manhattan than market.
The one thing that hasn't changed, (and I don't think ever will) is the music venues and pubs. Despite a lot of them being filled with hungry families during the day, most are transformed into old school Camden music venues during the evening, which still stay true to their names, Underworld, Barfly and Electric Ballroom to name a few. One thing's for sure - you can still have a decent night out no matter what you're into, which is what makes Camden so special to me.
Either way...I MISS YOU CAMDEN!!
Gothic Glamour
When women think of weddings, they think venue, flowers, veil....but most importantly, they think of the perfect dress. While browsing through Tumblr yesterday I came across these absolutely stunning creations by Vera Wang. Yes, my lovlies. BLACK wedding dresses.
Now I'm a pretty big fan of the traditional satin white dress but I am completely in awe of these designs! Guess my dream of a black and white wedding can actually come true ;)
anna karenina premiere!
Hello my lovelies! I am still very excited after last night because I was lucky enough to attend the world premiere of Anna Karenina! My super amazing friend Emily managed to get us tickets (ah, to have contacts within media) which resulted in us walking down the red carpet and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kiera Knightley, Jude Law and Matthew MacFayden! HELLO SUPERSTAR. Kiera looked absolutely stunning in a floor-length peach Chanel dress embellished with fluffy roses, while Aaron, Jude and Matthew dazzled in their grey, black and navy suits.
Now, those of you Brits who have seen Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging will remember Aaron Johnson as the gorgeous Robbie whom Georgia falls head over heels for. Unfortunately, Georgia wasn’t the only one, and that movie began a long and slightly un-nerving obsession with the boy for yours truly (yes, I am sad. Don’t judge me). When I realized he had moved up in the world and started acting in American blockbusters such as Kick-Ass, I knew I had to act quickly. A year later, and he’s married with a baby. WHAT. May I also point out he’s only 22 and his wife is about 45 with a daughter only a few years younger than him. I know. WHAT. Despite my obvious disappointment, I’m glad he’s happy, although there is always that (delusional) hope...
Either way, once the hyperventilation had seized and I nervously finished my packet of free Minstrels, I was settled and the movie was actually incredible. The costumes, choreography and score really made it something special and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a bit of 19th century love and deceit. Kudos to Kiera who claimed it was one of the most challenging roles she’s ever faced, and Jude who managed to look handsome even with a receding hairline. Bravo!
P.S: If you'd like to read a great review of the movie, go ahead and check out Emily's blog for an insight into the world of Anna Karenina.
P.P.S: Tomorrow is Vogue’s Fashion’s Night Out. I am so pumped!!
rhythm really is a dancer
I know this may seem a little bit late considering the Olympics finished a good 2 weeks ago, but was everyone not completely captivated by the rhythmic gymnast’s leotards?! The glitter, the swirls, even the seemingly uncomfortable crotch areas looked glamorous! I always found the idea of gymnastics enthralling, and completely resent my father for not sending me off to ballet classes at the tender age of 4. However, the outfits this year really were the cherry on top of a fantastic performance by all the countries competing (if only they could teach me how to bend back like a branch, that would be fantastic...)
(images courtesy of yes...Google.)
fashion internships
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For someone that’s just graduated from university, I find myself pretty lucky. I have a part time job that, although isn’t in my desired sector as of yet, provides me with a substantial income. I also live at home, which means that I don’t have to spend hundreds of pounds on bills and rent each month (plus I get to have two hour showers and lots of yummy Polish food cooked for me.....IAMNOTSPOILT). However, there comes a time when a graduate decides they’ve had enough of meaningless retail jobs and serving pervy men drinks at bars and starts to focus on their long term career goals. In an area such as fashion, internships are vital. High end fashion retailers or magazines won’t even glance at your CV unless you’ve worked your butt off serving coffee and answering the phone for at least three different companies. Yes, sadly that is what most fashion internships are. You are the bitch. Despite this, young girls all over London are scuttling around begging to be ‘bitches’, and being scrutinized for not ordering the correct latte (I said decaf SOYA latte with caramel flavouring!?!) The fact is, the world of fashion is glamorous indeed – the catwalks, the after parties and the outfits all seem alluring to the average teenager, but you have to work damn hard to get your foot in the door. From that, it seems that internships and work experience are the way to go in such a competitive industry *insert sad face*.
So, I’ve put together this little list of things that you should know when applying for internships so that you're aware of all the ups and downs :)
Know what to expect
Although it seems obvious, many interns aren’t involved in a lot of hands on stuff unless they really think you’re up to it. Most of your day will probably be spent sorting through papers and post, making coffee and performing general runner duties. Although there are occasions where you will get involved in a lot more ‘fashiony’ tasks, don’t walk in there expecting to be writing articles by day two. Remember, they’re doing you a favour, not the other way round.
You don’t want to start working at Elle expecting to be showered with free gifts and a lovely cheque at the end of the month for all your hard work. Unfortunately for us budding fashionistas, most internships are unpaid. However many companies may offer to cover travel and lunch expenses, which is pretty decent of them considering. Either way, swat up on the company and the job role so you don’t get unpleasantly surprised.
Give, Get Given
If you showed dedication and enthusiasm irrelevant of the task during your placement, the company may want to take you on for a full time position. Although this is very rare, it’s great to leave a lasting impression - when a potential employer contacts them for a reference, they will be more than pleased to recommend such a star intern as yourself (cue the hair flick). Complete all tasks with a smile (even if it is getting shouted at down the phone by an angry designer) and you will be granted with a shiny new set of industry contacts. Woop!
I know it all seems a bit negative, but remember, internships are supposed to be a fun way of experiencing what your potential job sector will feel like, so work hard but above all, enjoy it! No matter how many cover letters I write, I still get excited at the prospects because I know it’s what I am driven to do. Anyway, I hope this hasn’t completely put a damper on your mood! Maybe I’m just PMS’ing...(or been staring at the computer screen all day)...
wiw: festival fever
Hey guys! Seeing as festival season is in full swing I thought I'd do a quick post to show you what I wore to Lovebox! Hope you enjoy the outfit as much as I enjoyed getting it dirty (fell headfirst into the mud even before we were let in, hence the brown tinged socks..)
Excuse the squint, for the slight moment the sun actually came out that day, it managed to blind me. From looking at this outfit now, I realise that I am complete tramp! In other words, the most expensive item of clothing I'm wearing are my boots, which were a mere £20. The shorts are my current favourite item of clothing - a birthday present from my friends (I seem to have a complete obsession with America, so this was an easy and gorgeous choice for a gift). The top is originally from H&M, but as I never buy anything full price (ever), I ebayed it for about 2 quid. Socks and bag, Primark of course. Oh and the headband? £1 from Topshop. WINNER!
Hope everyone is having a lovely summer. I just got back from Cornwall and am incredibly miserable. :(
graduation blues
Hello, fellow bloggers, and sorry!! After 2 months of absence, I have finally returned from a world of tear-stained essays, bottomless cups of (decaf) coffee and loooong nights in the library banging my head against the table. Despite a bruised head, my fingers have returned feeling after typing continuously, and I have finally had a shower. Yes, I am officially a graduate.
Well, not officially, I haven't actually graduated yet. But on the 26th of July, I will be proud to announce that I have completed a Bachelors degree in English Literature. Bring on the trumpets! next? Yes, that is the question many graduates are asking themselves every single day. Did your body really deserve all those cans of Red Bull, and if so, is your now apparent bone deficiency asking you whether it was worth it? It is clear that a degree can seem like a nice, shiny addition to the standard CV, and yet only a rather small percentage of graduates actually receive a job that is related to their degree. And so the trumpets die down....and I find myself scouring the job center website for sales assistant positions in Tesco. Did I really pay £3000 a year so I could stack shelves and deal with grumpy customers with body odor?
My current part time job is in Hollister. No, I'm not a model, no, I don't live on the beach and no, I can't get you discount. I actually work in the back, with all the awesome people. Yes, my friends. It is us who do all the hard work of pulling stock and running up and down the stairs; did you see that blur of mousy brown hair behind the tanned girl with the huge white teeth? That was me, checking if we have your blue dress in a size 0.0001. Although the job is flexible, easy, and the people are great, it isn't the picture I had in my head when I dreamed up my ideal job (think Zac Efron's personal shopper...or bed maker...or pant zipper). My ultimate career choice is actually steering towards the Fashion Journalism route (I know right?!). Like many fashion related career paths, it is one full of competition, fakery, and being treated like poo before you are recognized. Whilst most jobs consider a degree as the decision maker when hiring someone, fashion relies a lot more on personal experience within the industry, whether that be part time jobs, internships, or voluntary work. The sad thing is, not many companies will even consider anyone unless they have experience...but how are you meant to gain experience when no experience = no job? *insert angry face*
While ten or fifteen years ago a Bachelor's degree would get you a job in an instant, companies are now more drawn to the CV's with Masters/PhD degrees. That means more education, more money and more essays. Are people really ready to move into even higher education to gain a job in their desired sector? I was actually considering a Masters after graduating purely because I thought it would improve my chances of getting a fashion related job. I understand doctors and psychologists, who's PhD's are essential to their progress, but will a Master's in Fashion History and Culture really help me on my way to becoming a journalist, or will I end up ripping the remainder of my hair out due to excessive amounts of work and additional dissertations?
I don't know if I will ever know whether my degree was worth it, but for now, I am enjoying relaxing in the sun, drinking plenty of milkshakes (soya, of course), and generally loving life. I can finally read a book without having to analyze why the protagonist decided to take a shit. Yay for me.
Hope everyone is having an awesome summer! (It has literally just started raining. I resent you, London.)
wiw: flower power
With my dissertation deadline looming on me, I find myself lacking the time to sit down at the computer and actually write a decent blog post. So here is my apology for the silence, I promise I will start blogging regularly once all this is out of the way :)
Here is an outfit I wore the other day, when the sun graced us with it's presence once again. Right now, it's raining. Ahh...London.
I absolutely adore my Frida Kahlo earrings. My dad bought them from a tiny shop somewhere Poland where they sold hand-made jewellery. He's got surprisingly good taste for a [Polish] man.
It was my birthday on the 1st. Happy birthday to meeeeee! I am now in need of a zimmerframe...
wiw: light and airy
Hello ladies and gents! Apologies for the lack of new posts, London has spouted some beautiful weather and I can't help but bask in whatever sun is available - you never know how long it's going to last.
Thought I'd show you guys what I wore today, as a celebration of spring finally gracing us with it's presence:
(Why does my skin looks so grey?!)
Although it is indeed a hell of a lot warmer than before, the breeze can still hit you pretty hard, so I opted for some medium thick grey tights to match my bag (which is literally falling apart but I can't help dragging it everywhere; Mary Poppins would be jealous). A statement top with a plain pleated navy skirt worked really nicely together, and my denim jacket (which I've had since I was 12 and has been heavily recycled) came in handy when it got a bit chilly.
Also, GOLD NAILS. Got mega excited when I went shopping the other day and bought the Barry M Nail Effect Foil Effect polish. I actually can't get enough of it!
metal madness
Hello lovlies! Hope you are having a wonderful sunny Saturday, unlike yours truly who is stuck in bed reading about Judith Butler (that woman needs to revise her books into actual English).
I am writing this blog post for two main reasons:
1) I am a magpie. I.e, anything that is remotely sparkly attracts me like a kid to candy.
2) My housemate told me that if I bought a pair of metallic jeans, he would (direct quote) "do an Oedipus and gouge my own eyes out". Charming.
So to spite him (and because I absolutely love them anyway), I am going to buy myself a pair of metallic jeans. And he's going to have to endure me strutting around the flat in silver bottoms singing "Space Man". Take that, loser :)
~ MOTO Pink Metallic Leigh Jeans - £40 - Topshop
~ Multi-tonal Metallic Dress - £19.99 - H&M
~ Gold Foil Vest - £19.50 - Dorothy Perkins
~ Metallic Snake Skin Skinny Jeans - £20 - River Island
~ Silver-Toed Shoes - £62 - Topshop
~ Gold Shell Clutch - £38 - Monsoon
~ Pleated Foil Skirt - £40 - River Island
~ Brown Twinkle Knit Jumper - £40 - French Connection
~ Gold Metallic Satchel - £120 - ASOS
~ Silver Ankle Boots - £70 - River Island
Fashion's Finest Show
I'm hoping that there are many of you, like me, who are not one of those marvellously successful bloggers that get backstage passes to shows and have a personal photographer to document each and every outfit (how DO they do it? Teach me your ways, oh fashionable ones). So, during London Fashion Week you were most probably found glued to your laptop watching live catwalk shows, stroking the screen as each Cavalli dress swept by and weeping into your cashmere/Primark scarf.
Just me? Well, okay then.
But seriously, when prestigious fashion events such as Fashion Weeks come about in our calendars, it becomes pretty hard for the average Joe/Jane to actually get a look in on all the action. So, when I was given a free (yes, FREE) ticket to Fashion's Finest, a fantastic show for emerging designers to show off their talent, I thanked my little fashion fairies (and had a mental breakdown about what to wear in the process).
The fashion show took place at the very swanky Westbury Hotel, just off Oxford Circus. I had never stepped foot into a building as upper-class as this - I mean, there was a doorman for christ sake, top hat and all (I felt very SJP). I was directed into an elongated room on the second floor, with a group of photographers clustered around the end of the catwalk, and a beautiful chandelier that resembled branches of an iced fir tree.
And the collections? Superb.
The show started off with a wonderful collection of high quality hats by LinMilR Millinery; as each model appeared in the doorway, a number of 'wow's escaped the audience's mouths as the models took to the catwalk. Using a combination of materials including mesh, feather, pearl, and even golden pieces of corn, each piece was unique and delicately crafted to capture the essence of the brand. I saw a number of inspirations, one being nature; floral pieces decorated with thin veils, rich azure with pale lemon & lime detail - one of the hats was even shaped like the petals of a rose. I'd never seen a hat catwalk show, so it was really intriguing to discover an innovative designer for my primary experience.
My favourite designer of the night was Motohiro Tanji; no stranger to the fashion scene, Motohiro's designs are unique and completely out of this world - literally. Inspired by futurism and the gothic, the outfits were a whirlwind of tangled knits, chunky detailing and rather strange-looking headpieces. This A/W 12 collection was inspired by shrubbery such as twists of vines and climbing ivy; simple jumpers were embellished with loops of wool, and oversized knits with elongated twisted knots. One particular dress was teamed with a matching scarf, the ends made of horse hair which added movement to the outfit. At the end of the show, Motohiro emerged from the wings, shyly bowed his head as the audience clapped his achievement. I was surprised by his modesty - he is a truly talented designer, and definately one to watch.
Models line up for the press:
A few more favourites:
Stunning multi-tonal feather neck decoration by Heart 365 Emporium
Loose shoulders vs cinched waist at Guzovaart
All in all, a successful and well organised event. As for me, I ended up in Hamleys being taught card tricks. Ahh...I love London.
scoop international fashion show
From Febuary 9th to the 16th, New York was graced with the presence of catwalk strutting, camera clicking, and a traditionally icy Anna Wintour. Yes, it was New York Fashion Week. And while the world of fashion paraded in their Louboutins and absorbed the Autumn/Winter 2012 collections, I was in Putney tapping away at my keyboard and drinking endless amounts of (decaf) coffee.
For a week, I was offered a fantastic work experience placement at Tellusfashion, and during my time there I managed to bag myself a ticket to an international trade show called Scoop. Held in the Saatchi Gallery in Sloane Square, Scoop is a great way for both established and emerging designers to showcase their work. As I nervously walked up the blue carpet (yes my dears, there was a BLUE carpet, very soothing) I realised that this was my first ever fashion event, and I was determined not to mess it up by knocking something over....or embarrassing myself by babbling about how the designs remind me of my best friends dog/kangaroo/any other animal of the furry kind. Somehow, however, I managed to avoid these events by keeping shtum and just smiling. :)
From sleek, evening dresses to airy, multicoloured blouses, this place had something for everyone. Each designer had a little designated space, with the name of their label printed on the wall and a rack or two of their designs. They smiled welcomley, presenting their products with such enthusiasm it was clear that they were passionate about their work. As I was perusing through the various items, I took a few photos to show you guys some of my favourites:
Beautiful, unique shoes by Robert Clergerie
Colour block geometric print by Spijkers en Spijkers - the bright, bold hues remind me of the 70's!
Printed silk scarves by Weston Scarves
I don't know who designed this coat because it was on a stand but I immediatly fell in love with the two tone wool and assymetrical cut!
These nifty little creations are called Bagllerinas. Created for the busy, on-the-go woman, these individually wrapped pumps fold up and can fit neatly into your purse! They come with their own draw string bags and are available in a range of different colours. Major love.
And now we come to my favourite designer of the day: Rebekka Ruetz. Originally from Austria, Rebekka launched her label in 2009 and this was her debut at Scoop. I was enthralled by her rich fabrics and effortless designs; she is a complete breath of fresh air. Almost every piece contained some sort of gathering, pleating or ruffling; it was a collection that was truly pleasing to the eye. And the fur dress? Winner!! This lady is going to make it big for sure.
As I drifted away with my goodie bag filled with business cards in hand, I knew this event was definately an experience worth shouting about. Glad I could let you guys know the 'scoop' about Scoop (Ahhh,I am TOO good).
Bye for now!
P.S: It's the Oscars tonight. So excited.
hello! bonjour! ¡hola! ciao! etc etc...
Hello blogging world! Wow...I cannot believe after existing in the most technologically developed century yet, I still hadn't discovered the beauty of wordpress, and blogs in general. I say this with great embarrassement, and will attempt to make up for it with my witty, light-hearted blog posts (HELLO THESAURUS.) I kid. Sort of.
So as this my first post, I feel I should provide some sort of formal introduction. I say formal, but be sure if you met me in person I would either grin and wave manically or probably give you giant hug. Unless you were Zac Efron, in which case I would either a) faint, or b) start rambling about how upset I was when I discovered his real singing voice wasn't used in the first High School Musical (gutted, mate). There is, of course, the obvious c) where I would get on one knee and ask him to marry me, providing him with a hula hoop as a ring (I'm a student, okay?!). It's the twenty first century; it's acceptable.
Now, for the less exciting stuff: My name is Caroline, and I am an English Literature student in London. When writing my personal statement in Year 13, I began manically crying because I was completly torn between studying Art or aunties had to sit me down and hand me a plate full of homemade brownies to stop me from snivelling. It was the biggest choice of my life yet, and I was ripping my hair out wondering whether to go down the "be happy but poor!" or "be okay but have more options" path. As you can see, I chose the latter. However, despite my apprehensions, I've actually enjoyed it more than I thought. I've not only read books which have changed my life, but have developed my knowledge of the world and the wonderful authors that exist within it. I do occasionally sit down and ponder about what I would be doing had I gone to art school...(probably wearing paint-stained dungarees and smoking a lot of weed, I presume).
My interest in fashion sparked from my mother. At the age of 6, I was being thrust into pleated dresses, royal blue leggings with matching hairbands, each individually designed and sewn by her. She was exceptionally talented, and despite having a degree in architecture, it was obvious her passion was in clothing design. She set up her own private company where she would design and make custom clothes to order, and attracted a lot of clientele. I recently found a book of hers in a forgotten drawer with all her hand drawn designs and measurements; it was fascinating. Since then, the dresses and leggings were given away to charity, and I have developed my own personal sense of style. Now, you're probably thinking, why "The Glittered Chameleon"? Well, the reason is simple; I'm obsessed with glitter, and my style changes every single day, along with my mood.
So that's it for now, folks. I hope I didn't bore you too much :) Ciao for now!
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